
Showing posts with the label canvas

New Painting

I've been creating a lot since I've moved into my new place. So many empty walls and spaces makes me want to fill them. I created this painting on a canvas and using a mix of acrylic and spray paint. The base is grey and gold acrylic paint and it was spray painted over with rose gold spray paint; it felt like it was missing something.. and I got very frustrated. I didn't know what to do.. so I grabbed a bottle of black paint and squeezed it out in no systemic way whatsoever.  I wonder if abstract/modern artists, like Pollock, felt the way I felt when painting this- was he frustrated during most of his paintings? or was his paintings systematic? Anyways, every time I look at this painting it makes me laugh because I just replay how I felt at the moment of creating it... and it was not systematic in any way shape or form- but somehow, it didn't turn out too bad.

DIY: Refurbished Tote Bag

I keep on blaming the Holidays for having a slump in the DIY idea/inspiration department.  I mean there are so many things you could technically DIY, but I haven't found a project that excited me, until this baby was brought home to me: Someone in my family asked me if I wanted this and the answer was no.  I know, I know...I can use it for so many things... groceries, library books, a lunch bag...etc. but lets be honest, it is plain ugly. I started thinking how it would either end up in a dumpster or be kept away in some part of the apartment (pretending that it will eventually be whipped out for something but truthfully, it will never see the light of day like so many of the free advertised tote bags I have).  So instead of dumping it/never fufilling its life purpose... I decided to fix it so it can live up to its potential. Lucky you, ugly tote bag! Inspirations for the design came from research for my Distracted... post; spec...