
Showing posts with the label lookbook

Lookie a here!

I haven't been on LookBook  for awhile now... so I thought I would pay the site a visit and of course, I fell in love with a couple of looks: Sue C from Korea Katze from Berlin Maedchen from Germany I love these girls looks because they have that bad ass look that doesn't seem so contrived. I'm loving Sue C's and Katze's leather jackets, Katze's boots and Maechen's polka dress, shoes, and dog!

Lookbook looks that I heart...

So I was on lookbook recently... here are a couple looks that I am in love with: I love how Melanie W. from Paris put this look together.. I love her floral dress mixed with the socks and heels. Although, i'm unsure if my 3rd grade teacher, who was a nun, would approve of her wearing a rosary as a necklace. I remember when our teacher gave each of her students a rosary and the girls thought it would be sooo cool to wear it as a necklace. Boy, were we wrong. She screamed at us like crazy. But i still heart Melanie's outfit. Melanie W. from Paris I love black outfits.. they look so sleek and sophisticated. Melika D. from Montreal Gennie M. from South Africa has definitely got the nautical theme going on.  I love her photo cause it looks like it is from back in the days or like she's about to go on a safari (well, a sailor going on a safari). Gennie M. from South Africa I'm not sure if it's the background or the heels (it's probably a combination of both).....