Current Obsession: Sketching

Sorry I have been MIA. Besides the internet connection issues, I've been drawing a lot lately. It probably has to do with the fact that I recently went to the D23 convention and was deepy inspired by a talk on character development for one of Pixar's new movies, Monster's University. Even though the work they put into making a Pixar movie seems long and tedious, the people there seem to LOVE what they do. It kind of made me question why I stopped drawing. According to a book my roommate read, it takes 10,000 hours to develop your abilities and become good at something. And from the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam, I learned that Van Gogh started to paint around age 25-28. Although he was not highly praised at the time for his work (I believe he only sold one painting while he lived - Red Vineyard), he is definitely well- known and recognized today.

Well all this talk is not about how I will drop my career as an engineer and somehow work at Pixar one day... but that it is never too late to work on something that you are passionate about and become really good at it. Yes, it may take some talent....but it also takes practice, hardwork, and dedication.

Here are some old and new drawings that I have been working on. I am no expert...but maybe with 10,000 hours of practice... I will get there.


  1. this makes me want to put 10,000 hours into MY drawing and painting practice :) I love your sketches!

  2. thanks nicole! i need to keep on practicing too!!


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