Polymer Clay Pieces
Golden Egg | $9.99 shipped                       Tooth Pendant | $ 9.99 shipped
  Dimensions: {.75" tall}                               Dimensions: {1.25"-1.5" tall}

  Golden Egg & Tooth Pendant | $17.99 shipped


Revamped Pieces

Skull Necklace |  $15.99 shipped
{re-painted w/ 18K Gold Leafing Pen}
Only 1 available.

Miscellaneous Items

Feather Crystal Earrings | $17.99
Only 1 pair available.

Do you want to purchase something?

If interested in purchasing one of these items, please email me w/ the item name in the subject line at:


The ball chain is approximately 30" long.


Shipping should be included in the price. Unless you live abroad. Please let me know where exactly you are located so I can give you an estimation for additional charges!


I will only accept money through paypal and no returns (so serious buyers only!).

Feel like my website is too sketchy to purchase from?

I also have posted a couples items on ebay (user name: allie1210). Please check here for my listings: Ebay Listings. Because I have a plethora of clothes, accessories, and what nots...if what you are looking for is not up on the page, please email me and I will list it just for you!

Last words: For the polymer clay pieces...not every piece will come out EXACTLY the same because they are made by hand and not from a mold. The listed purchase prices include the chain. Willing to make customized pieces. Feel free to email me if you have any questions regarding pricing, a request for pictures, etc.!

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