Wedding Decorations: Decorative Letters DIY
The base letters were made out of all the extra cardboard we had when we bought new furniture.
After cutting out all the letters I needed, I used a glue gun to create "sides" to the letters.
I felt it look unfinished in just cardboard. So for some reason I thought paper mache-ing would help. I used 1 part flour to 1 part water to create the glue and for the paper I used old newspapers.
Then after I finished the paper mache-ing and letting it dry, I spray painted it rose gold. To be honest, I didn't like how it looked... it still had this bumpy texture and I felt it would make the wedding look cheap. I thought I would end up having to buy the letters instead...but a month later I was inspired by something I saw online.
I decided to buy moss and some fake flowers at Daiso (a Japanese $1.50 store). These extra decorations would cost me around $5.
I just used the moss to cover up the bumpy texture on the front of the letters. I used good old fashioned Elmer's glue for the moss.
After I finished gluing the moss and cutting the flowers, I started glueing them on using a glue gun.
Once I finished gluing on the flowers, I realized I needed some type of board to place the letters on. I ended up using the back of a picture frame; the picture frame broke a while back. So I was glad I was able to recycle materials. I decided to glue moss onto the base.
Once I finished gluing on the moss to the base, I glued the letters onto the board using a glue gun.
I think this project came out pretty good and it only cost me around $10 dollars to make!!
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