Wedding Decorations: Decorative Letters DIY

 It's June! This means the wedding is almost here and I have completed most of what I need for decorations. Something I really enjoyed decorating/DIYing was the decorative letters for the welcome table.

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

The base letters were made out of all the extra cardboard we had when we bought new furniture.

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

After cutting out all the letters I needed, I used a glue gun to create "sides" to the letters.

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

 I felt it look unfinished in just cardboard. So for some reason I thought paper mache-ing would help. I used 1 part flour to 1 part water to create the glue and for the paper I used old newspapers.

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

Then after I finished the paper  mache-ing and letting it dry, I spray painted it rose gold. To be honest, I didn't like how it looked... it still had this bumpy texture and I felt it would make the wedding look cheap. I thought I would end up having to buy the letters instead...but a month later I was inspired by something I saw online.

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

I decided to buy moss and some fake flowers at Daiso (a Japanese $1.50 store). These extra decorations would cost me around $5.

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

I just used the moss to cover up the bumpy texture on the front of the letters. I used good old fashioned Elmer's glue for the moss.

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor, daiso

After I finished gluing the moss and cutting the flowers, I started glueing them on using a glue gun.

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

Once I finished gluing on the flowers, I realized I needed some type of board to place the letters on. I ended up using the back of a picture frame; the picture frame broke a while back. So I was glad I was able to recycle materials. I decided to glue moss onto the base.

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

Once I finished gluing on the moss to the base, I glued the letters onto the board using a glue gun.

monogram, flowers, moss, cardboard, wedding, decor

I think this project came out pretty good and it only cost me around $10 dollars to make!!




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